Atom Text Editor

Anmol Jain
2 min readJun 10, 2020

Atom is a free and an open source text editor for MacOS, Linux and Windows, developed by GitHub, which provides us with a platform to create responsive and interactive web applications.

I had been using it quite a lot in the past, after laying my hands on with Sublime & Brackets, but currently I am using VSCode. Here’s what the demo looks like of the Atom Text Editor:

When I had started using Atom like three years back and had been continuing with it, I came across a new feature in it, which I had not seen in Sublime, but was present in Brackets. In brackets, you can run your Web Application by clicking on the live preview button. (If anybody who had been using it in the past, will relate to what I am saying) In the picture above, where you see the Packages tab, when clicking on it, you will find a atom-live-server option.

Note: You need to install the atom-live-server package for it. You can run your web application there and it will open in the browser for you.

It is easier to work upon and while creating your applications, you can even explore its features and download other packages pertaining to your need and convenience.

Here is what the package window looks like for Atom:

Conclusion & Verdict

Atom is a great tool, especially for those who want to customize their editor easily, and beyond what others provide. As a web developer, the freedom to tweak, add, and extend your editor gives an incredible feeling of power.



Anmol Jain

Software Engineer | Game Enthusiast. I am either way too curious or way too disinterested. Nothing in between